Tony Park (a multi-published author who writes extensively about Africa), is quoted as saying that ‘Christopher Rimmer ‘s work looked so deeply into Africa’s heart that you could almost feel the heat and taste the dust’.

Christopher’s critically acclaimed photographs of Africa have been widely published and he has exhibited in group and solo shows both in Australia and in the United Kingdom, France & the U.S.A.  His work is represented in several public and many private collections.

Christopher asked us to create a website that showcased his photographic work in a simple and stylish way, as well as give him an easy way to edit and update the content. Originally it was an e-commerce site, but as demand for his work grew, an agent now manages his sales.

Since our Managing Director John Ryan also comes from Africa (Kenya), it was a great opportunity to go live vicariously with Christopher’s work.

Christopher’s website is here.


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