Over the years, we’ve produced work for many clients. A few of them are listed below.
Some of that work has been small, some has been large. For small and large organisations.
There have been jobs as small as a business card, and some as large as a freeway advertising billboard.
We’ve had jobs as simple as a single page website, and others as complex as a multinational E-Commerce platform.
We’ve been responsible for culture-changing organisations through better and innovative communication and training.
We’ve delivered game-changing E-Learning programmes in the Health sector, heavy industry, finance and other industries.
If you would like to see examples of our work which might convince you why we’re a good fit for your business, please get in touch.
We’d be happy to oblige.
People we’ve worked for
Here’s a list of some of our clients, past and present. It’s not all of them, but just a sample.
From Government Organisations, Educational Facilities, Banking and Finance, to Defence, Fashion, Retail and Heavy Industry and many others inbetween.
We’d love to get you on this list, so if you see something you like, please drop us a line.
If you don’t see something that tweaks your interest, let us know – we could easily show you a demonstration or folio item that we haven’t published yet.
Work Samples
This is by no means the sum total of our work, merely a few examples of each area of expertise. If you don’t see something that immediately catches your eye because it’s from another industry, please don’t hesitate to ask us for more.
We have plenty of other examples to show.
Please understand that there are many situations where we are bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements and are unable to present examples because of the limitations of those agreements and the competitive nature of the organisations concerned.