The impact of road fatalities caused by drivers whose senses have been impaired by the use of drugs and alcohol is beyond severe, so when we were asked to be a part of an Alcohol and drug awareness education programme to try and reduce this senseless loss of life, we were understandably very keen to get aboard.

Working with a team of content experts, we created a fully mobile responsive programme, pitched at heavy vehicle drivers with very little available time. We used simple graphics, animation and voiceovers to reinforce the concepts and hopefully reduce the road toll.

If you want to keep up with the TAC’s Victorian Road Safety Strategy, visit the TAC website.

We’ve also done other work for Vicroads:

Westgate Bridge Health and Safety e-Learning module

Transport Safety Services e-Learning modules

Please contact us for a quote on developing your next Mobile Responsive Website, Web Application, Mobile Application, E-Commerce Website or E-Learning Project.