
Create a results view with Formidable Pro

This is the last of a series of three tutorials showing you how to create a form using Formidable Pro that you can use to search entries that were created by a form created in the first exercise. In the second exercise you created the search form and in this last exercise , results from a search will be presented in this list (called a 'View') that we're going to make here.  This last tutorial concerns itself with the creation of the data view.

Create a data entry form with Formidable Pro

This is the first of a series of three tutorials showing you how to create a form using Formidable Pro that you can use it to search entries that were created by a form created in this exercise. Results will be presented in a list and eventually be viewable and editable from the front end. This first tutorial concerns itself with the creation of the data entry form.

Create a search form with Formidable Pro

This is the second of a series of three tutorials showing you how to create a form using Formidable Pro so that you can use it to search entries that were created by a form created in the previous exercise. Results will be presented in a list and eventually be viewable and editable from the front end. This second tutorial concerns itself with the creation of the search form.

Create a custom Search Form with Formidable Pro in WordPress

I thought that I'd try and address the situation by presenting a tutorial that showed you how to create a custom Search Form with Formidable Pro to search through multiple records for specific information and return the results in a well-laid-out format.

Planning a website – Themes and Plugins

Planning Wordpress website - Themes and Plugins Here's the second in the series about planning a website. In case you missed the first one, check out Planning a Website - a workflow based approach , the first in the series. Thanks to one of my students who suggested that I should formalise in a post what I usually talk about in class. Cheers Fiona, this one's for you! This post deals with two of the mission-critical elements in a Wordpress website development - choosing Themes and Plugins. If you have chosen Wordpress as your content management system, then you [...]

Creating a WordPress Administrator with phpMyAdmin and mySQL

Creating a Wordpress Administrator with phpMyAdmin and mySQL. A tutorial on creating a Wordpress Administrator with phpMyAdmin and mySQL. There are many situations when your Wordpress Dashboard might not be available to you: You've simply lost your Wordpress Administrator login or password. Your website has been hacked. You've taken over an existing website but the previous developer won't part with the password. There are a few more, but at this point you probably want some help creating a WordpressAdministrator with phpMyAdmin and mySQL. This processes discussed in the creating a Wordpress Administrator with phpMyAdmin and mySQL tutorial are reliant on: [...]

WordPress : Custom Posts with Formidable Forms

Wordpress Creating Custom Posts with Formidable Forms In the previous tutorial, I showed you how to define a custom post type with CPTUI and Advanced Custom Fields. It should be noted here that neither of these plugins is necessary if you know a little PHP and some of the basic Wordpress function calls. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to extend the previous tutorial to create Custom Posts with Formidable Forms. I've targeted these exercises to Wordpress administrators who may not be at total geek-level, hence the use of plugins. If you'd completed the previous tutorial, you [...]

WordPress Custom Post Type : Testimonial Posts

Creating a Custom Post Type could be a little complicated. But there's a few ways that you can try creating a custom post type with a little less pain. First of all, let's have a look at what the basic requirements are: You'll need to define the Custom Post Type somewhere that Wordpress will know in order to show you the button and other links on your Dashboard toolbar. In addition, you'll probably want some taxonomies (ie: categories) to assign to your Custom Post Type. You'll probably want to have some custom fields in your Custom Post Type (other than just the [...]

WordPress website migration : Step-by-step.

Wordpress website migration A number of my students this week asked me for a set of step-by step instructions on how to  perform a Wordpress website migration successfully. Although there are many ways to achieve this through Wordpress plugins and server-based processes, what I've decided to do is show how you can achieve this with simple file and database backups. Essentially, a successful Wordpress website migration involves the following steps (performed on either local, staging or live server) : Back up the Wordpress files on the current server . Back up the database on the current server. Move the files to the destination server (via [...]

Planning a website

Planning a website - a workflow-based approach Here's another in the Wordpress Tips and Tricks series - this one's about planning a website. It's not a geek-level post, but more aimed at people who might not necessarily be web developers, IT professionals or nerdy geeks, but perhaps more like business owners or people who have been tasked with creating a website from scratch. Before I start teaching a class on a particular topic, I always ask the same question of my students: "Where do you want to go?". I usually follow up with statements that suggest that the journey is [...]

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