
Westgate Bridge Health and Safety e-Learning module

Whilst repairs and construction were occurring on the Westgate Bridge, particularly since the working environment was potentially hazardous, VicRoads required an airtight Health and Safety programme to ensure the wellbeing of workers and commuters alike.

Alcohol and drug awareness for heavy vehicle drivers e-Learning module

The impact of road fatalities caused by drivers whose senses have been impaired by the use of drugs and alcohol is beyond severe, so when we were asked to be a part of an education programme to try and reduce this senseless loss of life, we were understandably very keen to get aboard.

Adult Sepsis E-Learning

We were asked to create an e-learning programme to address the needs of a clinical environment designed to tackle the education about and treatment of Adult Sepsis.

Diabetic Foot E-Learning

We were tasked with creating thirteen modules of eLearning to address a requirement for higher competency in treating Diabetic Foot disease.

Latrobe University

Latrobe University asked us to create an eLearning application to aid students in using the Medline and Cinahl research tools. In addition to creating some interactive modules, we also created in-depth software simulations to allow students to understand how to use these rather complex tools.

Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages

We created an interactive tool for the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages that not only demonstrated the language audibly, but provided an anatomical aid to achieving some of the occasionally difficult pronunciations.


Because we work frequently with Government organisations and corporations on projects that aren't initially (or ever) intended for viewing by the general public, we can't show pictures or discuss the details here.


DriveSmart is a training programme that lets the learner put driving abilities to the test using interactive scenarios. We used audio, video and interactive games to simulate and teach real-world scenarios so that learner drivers got to experience them without the danger of collision.

One Destiny

If learning history had been this much fun when we were kids, everyone would be an historian! Global Vision asked us to make their educational vision a reality by making the games in this fabulous story about the Federation in Australia.

K-12 E-Learning

When XSIQ asked us to create over 250 interactive Flash & Actionscript lessons, we jumped at the chance. We used their instructional design and assets and assembled a huge array of immersive, interactive learning modules covering Mathematics, English and other topics.

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